Thursday, January 22, 2009

It's over, it's over, it's over

Before 8:30am on January 21 I finished Breaking Dawn. I cannot believe I read the last three books in under a month, plus remember I did take down Christmas during that time too. I amazed even myself. I do believe that we have not read the last of Ella, Edward, Jacob, Nessie and the entire Cullen clan. Now I have to go back and try and get into Host. I have read about 100 pages so we'll see. Someone told me it takes half the book to get excited about it--it is another many pages book. Here's to reading--may the Book be forever with us.

Monday, January 19, 2009

There's a New TV at Buddy's Place!!

As anticipated here at Buddy's Place, we have a new HDTV! After much angst and countless hours on the internet and at stores, I selected my favorite. It's a 42 inch Toshiba XV540. Bought it at Costco, giving us a three year warranty and 90 day return capability. I looked at Samsung and Sony, but this one gives me everything I want (1080P, 120 hz) for a fair price and in a good size.
Here's the box safely transported into the family room. Did you know that Toshiba packages their LCDs in the industry's most compact boxes? True.

Opening the box reveals the mysterious contents, snugly wrapped and secure.

Out of the box!

It's a REGZA!

Sitting next to the 32 " JVC--it's just a little bit bigger.

Stand attached and lifted in place.

Turning it on for the first time. This is pretty exciting.

It works!

The picture is breathtaking--here's King Kong on the HD DVD.

Spider Man 3 on the PS3. 4 HDMI ports enables a lot of stuff to be hooked up.

Can there be any question? I love this thing!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Happy New Year

Happy New Year! I can't believe that we haven't blogged since Christmas Eve. Christmas Day was great. We did an opposite day. We got up and went to the movies. We saw Twilight. Guess what? Dewey really liked it. I think as much as I did. I was very proud of him. When we got home we put the turkey in the oven and a little while later--somewhere between 3 and 4pm Dewey, Paul and I opened presents. By the time we finished it was dark outside. We had a delicious turkey dinner and watched a movie. Like I said we did things backwards and it was fun. We couldn't get away with that type of day if there were children here but since the youngest here was 36 years old we could.

It took a week of earnest work to take down and put away all the Christmas decorations. We told ourselves that we had to stop buying for Christmas but as soon as the Hallmark store put the 75% off flyer on their door we were up to our old tricks. We did find some very lovely stocking hangers and got them. We have been looking for some for a while so at 75% off we were delighted.

I'm on the 4th and final book of the Twilight saga, BREAKING DAWN. I've read 100 pages so far and I can't imagine what will happen in the next 650 pages. Every time I think it is happily ever after it continues. I really didn't think I would get this involved. BUT I did.

Tomorrow is my first day of being Primary Chorister (again). I'm looking forward to it. It is fun singing with all the little ones. The only thing that would make it perfect is if Dewey could be my pianist.

Winter has been quite interesting so far. First the snows came. I personally loved it but unfortunately this area wasn't equipped with the magnitude and longevity of the snow. Schools closed and even church was canceled the Sunday before Christmas. You know it must have been bad. Buddy liked it and had fun every time he got to go out in it. Sometimes I couldn't find him because of all the white on white. Then just about the time the snow started melting the rains began and then the flooding was upon us. Streets were closed, rivers rose and families were evacuated. Fortunately for us we could get out of our subdivision but only going one way. When we took Buddy for a walk in the park today down by one of the creeks. You could tell how high the creek rose with the amount of sogginess in the grass areas. I think I like the snow better than the rain.

Dewey is in the process of getting ready to buy a new HDTV. He studies and reads and looks and does everything possible so he knows he is getting the perfect one for us. I think it is making him crazy. I know it is making me crazy. It's okay because when it is finally done he gets to start doing the same thing for a new stove that we need.

Time flies. Hayden has 6 teeth now. Little Connor and Spencer are playing football. The Mariners start Spring Training in a while. I am not sure how many days left till BYU plays Oklahoma for the first game of the season but I think we'll we there. It's in Dallas. Happy New Year.