Thursday, June 25, 2009


I did it. I walked a 5K yesterday June 24, 2009.

A milestone for me. I know for most people 3.2 miles is nothing but for me it was a goal that I accomplished. And it was a big deal for me. Paul and his girlfriend Andrea came along to show support for me and I was thrilled that they would take the time. My trusty companion Buddy was walking with us. I tried to be careful and not exhaust him but every time one of us would pick him up he wanted back down to walk. Finally with about a half mile to go I asked Paul to carry him whether Buddy wanted it or not.

When we finished one of the ladies on the walk had dropped her keys and Paul volunteered to go back to find them. Andrea went too. Unfortunately, the keys were at the mile point so by the time they went there and back they had added 2 more miles to their walk. We were going to see Transformers after the walk but decided to go home and rest since they had to leave for work a few hours later. The walk was with my Weight Watchers group so those that completed it will get a medal. I asked my lecturer if it would be sterling silver and she said probably not. However, I think it should be.

Yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I did it.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


We have a little strawberry patch in our backyard.

Today I pick the third batch of this season and there will many more pickings before it is over.

I made an Amish Strawberry Bread today and it is delicious.

I have so many strawberries right now I'll have to freeze them.

Buddy likes to help me while I'm picking.

Mostly he likes to pee on the plants.(I do wash the berries very thoroughly.) Maybe I'll discover other recipes to use my berries.

Any suggestions?

Friday, June 12, 2009

June 11, 2009

Today is Buddy's birthday. He is 2 years old. Think about it--14 years old in people life. A teenager. Maybe that is why he likes cars so much. And bicycles, and roller blades etc.

I made cupcakes in honor of his big day and preceded to eat a lot of them because he can't. We went to Bradley Lake Park for a birthday walk. At one point there were 6 dogs (including Buddy) trying to sniff each others butts and various other things. After a few minutes I told their owners that it was Buddy's birthday and this was his birthday party and thanked them and we all went our separate ways. How about that for a cheap birthday? We then preceded to Petco where we cashed in his birthday coupon he had gotten in the mail the day before in his only birthday card (from Petco) this year. We were presented with a large bag of Science Diet treats which Buddy cannot eat (he has a friend he is going to give the bag to) and paid the 56 cent tax--how is that--we get a free gift but have to pay tax on it. Buddy had a mellow afternoon but before bed Dewey, Buddy and I went for a night time birthday walk. It was cool (weather) and he saw Orange Kitty, the 2 Yorkies who live around the corner and met a new friend, a German Shepherd puppy, named Rocko. I think he wanted to eat Buddy. He was only 9 weeks old and really cute. He was already bigger then Buddy.

Happy Birthday Buddy! We're glad you are in our life.

Friday, June 5, 2009


Our first roses of the year are cut and on display on our kitchen counter.

I love cutting them and bringing them inside to enjoy. The more I cut the more they bloom.

Spring is here but for the past few days it was summer- too hot for me -at least too hot for Puyallup. I know some like the hot weather but as for me if want hot I would move back to Texas. BUT everything is air conditioned there. Today it cooled down by almost 20 degrees so all is right with the world.

At least all is right in Puyallup.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

A Fun Week

Carl, Devin, and Hayden arrived on the 23rd of May.

Carl could only stay through the Monday Memorial Day but Devin and Hayden got to stay till Sunday the 31st.

We had a great time having them here.

Hayden was a perfect little angel according to her Grandpa and Grandma.

Grandma got to give her baths every night.

It was wonderful to have a baby (excuse me toddler) in the house again.

We ate and ate and ate some more.

We had barbecue ribs,

roasted veggies, baked beans and corn on Memorial Day.

All cooked on Dewey's new Barbecue grill.

We had a barbecue chicken dinner at another meal. We also had Thai food, pizza, and Chinese food during the week. Dewey took Devin to the movies ("17 Again") and to lunch one day. They ate at a Vietnamese PHO restaurant. We had all kinds of snacks and of course cookies. Devin made peanut butter cup cookies. Delicious. We tried it another day and added Heath pieces to the dough but they didn't turn out as good that time. Hayden eats all kinds of things. She loved the yogurt covered raisins and she couldn't get enough grapes.

Hayden was quite fascinated with Kitty. She even learned to sound like Kitty. At one point I couldn't tell if it was Kitty or Hayden meowing. Buddy didn't feel neglected because he found Devin and Buddy LOVES Devin. I suppose Ella helped because Hayden is so use to her that Buddy was just "Ella" to her. Kitty didn't run from Hayden but she stayed out of her way. Kitty loves Devin too because Devin brushed her. Kitty thinks that is the best thing that ever happens to her besides eating.

I was so happy that Hayden was especially nice to Buddy and Buddy didn't have any episodes with Hayden. Not even a growl. Hayden has learned to sound like many animals. My personal favorite is her tiger sound.

Hayden had a few firsts with us. She had her first visit to the zoo.

The Point Defiance Zoo.

It is a little zoo but has some good animals.

I think Devin had more fun than Hayden and Hayden had a pretty good time.

We had a beautiful day. A Macaw took a dollar out of Hayden's hand. It was a donation to the zoo. I even made it the whole three and a half hours that we walked around viewing the animals. Yea for bionic knees and my daily walks with Buddy.

Hayden had her first, all by herself, ice cream cone at Baskin Robbins. We love ice cream.

Hayden also had her first ferry ride. That is a story in itself.

On Friday the 29th Dewey took the day off and we headed to Forks, Washington for a day road trip.

We got to the Hood Canal Bridge and discovered it was closed.

It was the only way to Forks from where we were,

so our plans changed and instead of going to Forks we ended up in Port Gamble. Later we caught the Kingston Ferry to Edmunds.

Port Gamble is a pretty little place. We took the walking tour and then on to the ferry.

We wanted to go to Forks because we love Twilight and it would have been fun to go just to be there.

We know Edward and Bella and Jacob wouldn't be around but at some point they passed through and that's good enough for us (meaning Devin and myself).

We played and walked at some of our favorite parks: Bradley Lake Park,Clark's Creek South Park and DeCoursey Park.

Hayden loved playing in the back yard and she had her own little pool.

Devin and I went to church on Saturday night to fill 72 hour kits. I had purchased 5 of them and Devin was going to take them home but her luggage filled up fast so I guess Dewey and I will eventually have to take a road trip to Utah.

And we went to the Puyallup Farmer's Market.

I'm sure I left out things but we had a great time.

Come back soon Carl and Devin and Hayden.

We love you and miss you!