Friday, November 27, 2009


Since I was going to write this three weeks ago, I may forget some details so I think I'll start from the most recent event and work backward.

Buddy was to have his picture made with Santa but we got a call and the photographer was sick so the photo shoot was cancel.  That was our biggie for the day except for the BYU/New Mexico game that Dewey had to listen to over the internet. Fortunately they won but it wasn't a very pretty game to listen to. Dewey did a lot of vacuuming during the game. Working out his frustrations.  See how late this blog entry is?

Saturday November 7 was "Tag our Christmas Tree Day" at Double Four Tree Farm. Dewey, Paul, Andrea, Buddy and I went.

Andrea had never done that before so we all had a good time.  Buddy had to stay in the car. The sign said so.  It was a rainy day at the farm.  Hot apple cider and ginger snaps were served.

They had a big fire pit going.

And miracle of miracles we tagged the first tree we saw.

That has never happened to us before. We usually walk around and around and around and spend a lot of time deciding.

 Paul was elated--actually we all were. So we tied our pretty bows on the tree

and then walked around the farm to look at all the other trees that we did not choose.

 We made the right decision. Ours is very pretty.

There are some beautiful trees there. We picked and tagged a Noble Fir. Nobles work good for our heavy Hallmark ornaments.

Kitty had her yearly doctor's appoinment recently. She's in good shape except she has to go on a diet. What's new!!!!

Jeffrey Logan Owens came for a visit from November 2 - 5.

  While he was here we had an early Thanksgiving dinner just for Jeff...

(it was yummy)

and a birthday celebration (he was surprised) for him.

Dewey, Jeff and I went to see AstroBoy (that was Jeff's suggestion). We all liked it.

Paul took Jeffrey to the mountains. They had a good time brother bonding. I believe Jeff was sore for days after.

It was great having him home. He hasn't been to Washington in three years. That is just wrong. We'll have to remedy that. It took a while for Buddy and Kitty to get to know Jeffrey. Animals can be funny that way.

Tomorrow is the Primary Children's Sacrament Program and since I am the chorister I need to get to bed and be rested tonight.  Plus, I'm coming down with something.

I can't believe November is half over. I love November too much.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

First Date

Exactly 45 years ago today Dewey and I had our first date. Hooray for first dates--and it was also a blind date. 45 years WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Today is the day.........

November 20th. New Moon--10am and in our favorites seats. It was great. I may just have to start the books from the beginnning again for the third time. You have to be a fan. I can't believe I am such a fan. But I am.

Dewey and I weren't the oldest at the movies and Dewey was definitely not the only man. I just know that Twilight is not only for the under 16 age group. It spans all ages.

With that said--how many days till Eclipse premieres???????????????????

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Today Sunday November 15th was our Primary Sacrament Meeting Presentation. It was great. The time was exact and the children sang wonderfully and LOUD. Our Bishop said he really felt the Spirit. We've been working on the songs since the beginning of the year. I am so proud of the children. They sat reverently and paid attention to everything that was going on. Yea for Primary and yea for the special day that is set aside so the kids can bear their testimonies through songs, Articles of Faith and talks. NOW it is time to sing all the Christmas songs in the Primary Children's Songbook.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Buddy's New Bed

A few weeks ago Dewey came home with a new doggy bed for Buddy. He needed one for relaxing downstairs while we are watching TV. He loves to sleep on our laps and on the couch, but when he wants his alone time and "Don't touch me time" he would curl up in front of the speaker by the TV.  So, we bring it home and put it where he likes to sleep on the floor and WALA----a new comfortable bed for----WHAT? Kitty.

Yes, Kitty decided that this was the best thing since cat boxes. She has been it in every possibe sleeping moment. So Kitty has a new bed and Buddy is back sleeping on the couch.

 BUT have no fear. Dewey to the rescue. He brought home another bed JUST FOR Buddy.

I was so proud of Buddy when he saw that first bed. He jumped in, rolled around and got all his smells on it. But, that didn't bother Kitty one bit. She didn't care if it smelled like Buddy. It was hers and hers alone.

Kitty is becoming a real bully to Buddy. When she feels like it she even chases him off our laps so she can sit on us. MY my my. We think there is a little jealousy here. 

But now, with two beds, everyone's happy, but Kitty is really happy.

Hooray for November

We love November. For me it's a deep rooted love that began in childhood. I lived in a big old house that had neither central heat nor central air so when it was 30 degrees outside it was 30 degrees inside. That's right, if it was 100 degrees outside--well it wasn't quite 100 degrees inside but it was pretty hot. We had space heaters in the winter and fans in the summer.

Living in San Antonio, Texas summers could get very hot especially with the humidity. So when the first northers of the year blew in which was almost always in November things cooled down so dramatically in my home it was hard not to like November. Plus we had about 7 or 8 pecan trees so the pecan picking began. The leaves were falling and it was just special to me.

PLUS I love Thanksgiving. It was so comfortablre and the smells on Thanksgiving day plus the football sounds from the TV---nothing better. My mom always had a couple of plates of food put together and she would deliver them to the shut ins who lived in the neighborhood. They received their hot meal and then we sat down to eat. I love Thanksgiving.

Okay so a P.S. here from last night--Halloween. Buddy was an angel but he could only wear his wings at home and not to the Trunk or Treat Party at church earlier becase his halter leash wouldn't fit.

So he was Buddy the Elf during the day and an angel once the Trick or Treaters showed up.

It is a good thing we had left over candy because the 216 boxes of Cracker Jacks were gone before the kids stoped coming so we had to resort to the candy.

I was surprised at the reaction of the kids for the Cracker Jacks--very popular. I am also surprised at the amount of adults who showed up at our door in costume with their children and their own Halloween treat bags.

We made it through another Halloween--costumes, candy and all that jazz. Here's to Thanksgiving, Christmas music, tagging and cutting the Christmas tree, lights, decorations, great food, FAMILY and the most important of all:



We went to the Annual Halloween Party of our friends the McCombs. Some of the costumes were spectacular. I am not sure where my creative gene is but if I have one it has been hiding for 62 years.  It's okay,we did have costumes. Dewey was Napoleon Dynamite and I was a witch.

 Buddy wasn't so sure of me once I put on the green makeup and he was really happy when we got home and after I showered and put on my good old PJ's. No one recognized Dewey or me.

It was amazing. Tomorrow Buddy and I will go to Trunk or Treat at church and hand out candy. (Dewey has one more person to home teach so he and his companion are going out during the time we are at Trunk or Treat--last day of the month.) We bought Buddy an angel costume but he might wear last year's. He was Buddy the Elf and he really looks cute in it. We'll see.

Happy Halloween's Eve!