Sunday, November 6, 2011

It's That Time of the Year Again

Once again yesterday was the first Saturday in November. Dewey, Buddy, Boo and I headed out to Double Four Tree Farm to pick out our Christmas tree. This year we made the decision to get the most inexpensive tree we could because we'll be in Utah (and won't be here) welcoming our new little granddaughter Matilda (that is the name we have given her since Devin and Carl will not tell us her new name until after she is born) at Christmas. So, I waited in line while Dewey went looking and he picked the first tree he saw.

After receiving the paperwork and ribbon-tape I joined him. It was $75 and I said "I thought we we going cheap this year" and he said "It doesn't matter" then I said "You mean to tell me on my favorite day of the year we are going to spend two seconds picking out a tree" and he said "Okay let's go look some more"  and we did. We  spent about an hour and a half at the tree farm. It's really pretty and there are some gorgeous trees. Yea!!! And thank you Dewey for indulging me. I have a great husband.  We looked and looked and discovered Shasta trees. We found one we liked,

tagged and decorated it,

took pictures, paid for it and then we joined Buddy and Boo who were patiently waiting for us in the car (sign says keep dogs in the car),

and drove over to our tree which was right by the road, took pictures with Buddy and Boo,

and left. Fun, fun, fun for us. Especially me. I wish my grandchildren lived closer so they could go with us. There were grandparents all over the farm with their grandkids. Maybe someday. By the way, our Shasta Tree was only $30. We got a good deal.

We went to the Halloween party this year as Bacon and Egg.

Buddy and Boo weren't too thrilled being caterpillars last year so this year they had black and orange sweaters with a pumpkin face on it for Halloween.

I think they were much happier. We had over 200 Trick or Treaters.
I can't believe I've been a slacker for a year and haven't entered a blog. We had a good year. Children and grandchildren were here.

 Spencer and Connor even spent three weeks with us at Grandpa and Grandma Camp.

Devin is pregnant with number 2 . Jeffrey is back in school at the University of Utah to finish his degree. Spencer and Dewey went to the Ole Miss/BYU game.

Paul and Dewey went to the Oregon State/BYU game.

Brian, Flora and Elaine are in San Carlos, California. Elaine is talking up a storm. We are going to their place for Thanksgiving this year.

The Christmas music has begun in our home. For us, anytime after October 31st is fair game to let the sounds of the holidays begin.