Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Fun in 18 hours

Yesterday Spencer flew in to SeaTac Airport.

Paul picked him up. We were anxiously waiting. Took them a little longer than expected because they had to slow down for an accident. We had to make the most of the time he had  here so we went to Famous Dave's for lunch/dinner and then Paul met us at the movies to see Robin Hood. We liked it and thought it was really good. Came home to chill. Watched the Celtics beat the Magic and then proceeded to finish up with the Mariners----Spencer fell asleep and we all went to bed early--actually I'm not sure about Paul--he tends to be a night owl. We got up at 3am to take Spencer to Portland where he had to pick up a trunk for work and drive it back to California. That was the reason for his quick but fun visit. He volunteered to do this job and we are thankful he did. We don't get to see him as much as we would like.  Buddy thought it was great to have another brother around.

And Kitty surprised us all by jumping up and spending a good deal of time on Spencer's legs. Usually it takes her a long time to come out of hiding. Buddy has taught Kitty a lot about how to be sociable. Thanks for coming Spencer. We love you!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Hummingbird Time

Even though we lost the little wrens, the hummingbirds have found our feeder this year. I've seen them feeding on several occasions. I am not sure if it is different ones or the same one. Paul has seen them feeding too. It really is spring and the past few days it has been summertime weather. We have our bird feeders in the front yard and the hummingbird feeder in the back yard next to out kitchen window. There is a neighborhood black and white cat who likes to hang out in our front yard garden waiting to catch a bird. Buddy and I are always shooing that cat away. This is a nice time of the year.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Nest in the Fuchsia Plant

When we arrived home from our Utah Trip we discovered that a little wren had built a nest in our fuchsia plant that was hanging on our front porch. We also discovered that she had laid eggs in it. I called a wildlife society to see if we could move the nest to a little wren house and was told it was against the law to move nests. So we did what responsible people do and left it alone. We even went in and out the garage so we wouldn't disturb her or her babies. About a week later Paul came home and wanted to see the eggs and nest so he got a ladder and looked and found the three little birds had hatched sometime earlier and they had died. I was so sad. One was trying to get back in and the two others were on the ground. The only thing we could figure out was the day before we had heavy winds and we think they may have blown out or else the mother got hurt and was unable to return to the nest. I was really sad. When Dewey got home from work he, Paul and myself (Buddy too) had a little funeral. We put the little birds in their nest and put them in a little box and buried them by our bamboo plants. We said a prayer and thanked Heavenly Father for all the little creatures in our lives. The nest had been built with such perfectness and entwined with the vines of the fuchsia. I am amazed how they can do that.

Nature is beautiful and wonderful.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

I had a great Mother's day and Mother's Day Weekend. I heard from all of my children before 2:30 our time. Yea. On Saturday we went to the farmer's market--that would be Dewey, Paul, Buddy and me. I got a beautiful handing petunia basket and a lilac bush. There were tons of dogs there and Buddy had a great time. We got Thai food, took it home and had a picnic in the back yard. Sunday was fun. The primary children sang in Sacrament. I'm still the chorister. They always make their mother's smile. Dewey made my day special. I did relax and have an enjoyable day. Happy Mother's Day to all the Mother's in my life.